GSM Summer Camp ’25

GSM Summer Camp ’25

Grace Student Ministries is headed back to Student Life Camp this summer, July 5th-9th! We’ll be attending camp in Glorieta, NM. Camp is the perfect time for your student to get away from the real world and focus on the Word while building relationships with other students from Grace Church.Cost is

Grace Church Grace Church
New Message Series!

New Message Series!

This Sunday, March 9 we will be starting a brand new message series called “Rolling up your sleeves.” We’ve talked about the vision of Grace Church, now it’s time to focus in on the “how.” How are we going to do it? It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Grace Church Grace Church
Ladies Retreat

Ladies Retreat

Please join us April 3th-5th near Lake City, CO at Sky Ranch, Ute Trail for an incredible time to refresh your relationship with God and connect with other women from Grace Church. Please don’t pass up this opportunity to renew and restore that intimacy with God. We will be going through “The Ruthle

Grace Church Grace Church